BPC Event: Evidence-Based Policymaking: Next Steps

 The final report is available at  https://www.cep.gov/content/dam/cep/report/cep-final-report.pdf .
The final report is available at https://www.cep.gov/content/dam/cep/report/cep-final-report.pdf .

Wednesday, September 20, 2017 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM

Bipartisan Policy Center, 1225 Eye Street NW, Suite 1000, Washington, D.C., 20005

RSVP here.


Katharine Abraham | Chair, Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking; Co-Chair, BPC’s Evidence-Based Policymaking Initiative

Ron Haskins | Co-Chair, Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking; Co-Chair, BPC’s Evidence-Based Policymaking Initiative

Ted McCann | Assistant to the Speaker for Policy, Office of the Speaker

John Righter | Deputy Democratic Staff Director, Senate HELP Committee
BPC’s newly launched initiative to carry on the work of the Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking will take a look at the next steps necessary to implementing the recommendations from the commission’s recent final report. The commission, sponsored by House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA), issued recommendations for improving access to government data, while simultaneously improving the security of Americans’ sensitive information. They are an important foundation for a better-informed policymaking process. While those recommendations represent great progress, the important work of creating a broader culture of fact-based, evidence-informed policymaking is just beginning.

Join us as we host an event to explore the key recommendations and look at the next steps necessary to build on the momentum created by the commission’s significant work.

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